Category Archives: War

Children don’t invent racism, they learn it.

A truism amongst many others. Its beauty is that it explains many ills in society. Children don’t invent bullying, partner violence, crime, and many of the other societal ills that we are plagued with. Continue reading

Present Arms

Attention., present arms, slow march, shoulder arms, today is Anzac Day, all around the world people will gather to remember the sacrifices of the past. Here in New Zealand there has been a resurgence, not that long ago it seemed that this remembrance would die away like the Returned Service Men and Women who faithfully gathered on April 25th every year.  Continue reading

Close your eyes else it won’t work and say tangu,

Thus goes the legend of the magic flying carpet.  I did not need a magic carpet tonight as I took a journey into another world.  I went to the movies and watched The Water Diviner. I will not talk about the movie as that may ruin it for others, I gave it 4 stars, it was excellent Russell Crowe has made a great movie.
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